
Incidents of Reggindom (yep its ****** spelled backwards)

A friend told me that the funniest things happen to me and it got me thinking. I wrote down a list of some of funniest incidents I have found myself in throughout 2009. I narrowed it down to seven sense of a random order. In words of Mystikal Here I Go....

1. Spelling is crucial
This particular day I'm walking down Springfield's streets and I come across this building. It's big, nice and recently closed. For some odd reason, I'm instantly sad.Another potentially helpful business bites the dust. I wondered who were the people who owned this building. Were they nice? How many employee did they have? Then I noticed a big hot pink sign. I cross the street to get a better look at. I read and getting a better gauge as to what happen with this business. The sign read as follows: "This office is clothes."

2. That is a Name Fail.
I'm one of many of IUPUI's student lounges and waiting for class. I'm in one I rather not moods so I have head stuck behind a book and earphone on though they aren't attached to anything and figure I look anti-social enough. Alas, a young lady sits down right in front of me and starts hammering on the phone to some person named Boo. She realizes she forgot something and races for the door. Ten minutes later, I get up and notice that she left her Student ID at the table. I read the name and its La-a. That's LaDasha peeps and the dash isn't silent. SMH.

3. Teeth are a requirement
Once again, I'm at IUPUI and this time I'm sitting outside with a friend. A attractive guy approaches and smiles. Well it seems that he may have forgotten that he missing something important. His teeth. Yes TEETH not tooth. His mouth resembled something off of a Road Runner episode where he goes into a dark tunnel. He asked could he take me to dinner to which I reply I rather not. He persisted to the point where I got annoyed and told him that the thought of constantly looking at his uvula during dinner would make me want to puke. He called me a bitch and walked off. I was able to keep my dinner down later one that night.

4.Locs are NOT for everyone
I'm on the bus and on my way to IUPUI yet again. I look over to the window and notice this man with locs down almost to his butt. I start to ask how long has he been growing but then he takes off his hat. The middle of head is completely bald. I sit back in my seat. That is a epic fail.

5. You're going to flat iron what?
I'm doing one of favorite mindless past times, window shopping when I see this man selling products in from his cart. I earnestly avoid these people because you never know what you're going to get and you can't return anything. I come out of Torrid and there he was. He looked at me and asked if he could flat iron my hair. WTF??? I asked him to think about his question and run that by me again. If looked at the profile pic or you know me, you know that I rock locs (hey natural hair ladies!!). I took my hat, cocked my head to the side and waited for his reaction. He got the message.

6. The Hoveround Ho
This story finds in my hometown.I'm over my Aunt's house and I step outside and happen to see this lady fall out of her Hoveround. While I'm not a uberdogooder, I couldn't let that lady just lay on the sidewalk in the cold. The next day I'm riding with my uncle when I see the same lady riding up and down the sidewalk. I mention our encounter with my uncle and he chuckles. I asks if he know who she is and gives me the side eyes and says, "That's the Hoveround Ho." She apparently "falls" out of her chair as a ruse to get new customer. More importantly she doesn't discriminate. I was going to be her next john.

7. WHAT.......
I'm on the bus with my noise stuck in yet another book. I look up to make sure I didn't miss my stop and I see this man signing to another man sitting across from him. I sign really well so I watch their conversation. They are going in on the bus driver. Then I hear someone's phone going off. It's Lil Jon Snap Yo Fingers and its blaring loud as ever on the this very quiet. The owner of this loud phone is none other than the man who was signing. He obviously couldn't hear it.

Those stories are just a few of the many wonderful scenarios I found myself in. If 2010 is anything like this year that is passing, I'll need depends so that I don't have any accidents of myself. Hope you enjoy sharing in my silliness



Letters to a General Pt. 2: Let's Go to Church

It was raining today and you didn't want to go outside so we stayed in. You picked up the Sunday school book and begin to study the lesson. You always wanted to make sure that you understood the lesson before you imparted your wisdom on your class. Being the curious person I am, I ask you what are you doing? You hold out the book to me and says you're delving in the word of the Lord.

I want to delve also. You could have turned me away and told me to stay in my primary book but you perched me on your lap and begin to read the lesson. You introduced a new way of understanding biblical verses. I remember you saying that we must take a critical eye to God's word or we wouldn't be able to get a deeper understanding of it. Isiah 10:15 still holds a special place in my heart.

General Lee started turning mind into the critical thinking machine it is today. The Bible was the first book he learned to read and though he approached with a sense of reverence but he still approached it with a critical mind. General Lee didn't want me to just to accept what I heard as truth. I can still hear him now saying that if what you believe in can't hold up to questions then you're believing in the wrong thing. He was never afraid to answer my questions about his faith and I gained immense respect for him. Because of General Lee, I am no longer afraid to question my beliefs and look for the deeper meaning.


Letters to a General Pt. 1

This particular day Hogan's Heroes is on. I didn't quite get the concept of the episode but it seemed to very amusing to you. I ate popcorn and you were smashing pecans. During a commercial break you look at me and ask, "Are you my baby girl?" to which I reply, "of course I am." Hogan's Heroes returns and we settle into our places on the couch and enjoy the rest of the episode. General Lee has decided to a break from his fighting to spend a little time with his favorite girl...

This may seem strange or even a little boring to some people but to me it was essential. General Lee and I were together everyday until I was 11 when cancer took him from this life. Over Christmas break I was sharing stories with my mother about my memories of General Lee and suggested that I put them on paper and I agreed. Its been about three years since I have blogged and this memories have prompted me to start back again. My general will also be the first man I loved desperately and I hope with this entries and the ones ensuing will give you a glimpse of the man I call General Lee.

With Love


P.S. Any suggestions or comments hit me up here or on twitter.com/blacknerdgirl.