
Letters to a General Pt. 2: Let's Go to Church

It was raining today and you didn't want to go outside so we stayed in. You picked up the Sunday school book and begin to study the lesson. You always wanted to make sure that you understood the lesson before you imparted your wisdom on your class. Being the curious person I am, I ask you what are you doing? You hold out the book to me and says you're delving in the word of the Lord.

I want to delve also. You could have turned me away and told me to stay in my primary book but you perched me on your lap and begin to read the lesson. You introduced a new way of understanding biblical verses. I remember you saying that we must take a critical eye to God's word or we wouldn't be able to get a deeper understanding of it. Isiah 10:15 still holds a special place in my heart.

General Lee started turning mind into the critical thinking machine it is today. The Bible was the first book he learned to read and though he approached with a sense of reverence but he still approached it with a critical mind. General Lee didn't want me to just to accept what I heard as truth. I can still hear him now saying that if what you believe in can't hold up to questions then you're believing in the wrong thing. He was never afraid to answer my questions about his faith and I gained immense respect for him. Because of General Lee, I am no longer afraid to question my beliefs and look for the deeper meaning.


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